LETTERS: Approximate size and stitches based on middle letter A: Frame sizes are label as per the middle letter they are used with NOT their actual size. However, the frames to fit around the 3″ and 3.5″ letters are larger and will not fit within a 4×4 hoop. NOTE: these letters when merged will fit within a 4×4 hoop. 5 Embroidery frames: satin circle, scallop circle, beaded dot circle, quatrefoil, and pointed square. All left, middle, right letters from A thru Z uppercase.Ģ. This file includes the following 6 sizes: 1 inch, 1.5 inch, 2 inch, 2.5 inch, 3 inch and 3.5 inch.ġ. This circle monogram design is all satin stitching.